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The Priestess

The High Priestess is the divine Goddess, the highest form of feminine expression. She’s soft, almost translucent, and wraps us in the glory of her ever tranquil nature. She radiates deep love in the friendliest, most comforting way. Like her lover, the Magician, she possesses near magical skills and abilities, but she also is gifted with profound psychic insight that can clarify even the murkiest of matters. She is always pictured with her handmaiden, the crescent moon, and she is particularly helpful to us during periods of new growth in our lives. Changes may be afoot in our jobs and our families. We may even feel called by a new sense of direction in our life. Her affinity with the forces and cycles of nature helps us look and listen more closely to the signs, coincidences, and happenstances of our lives. When we align ourselves with the High Priestess, we align ourselves with the natural currents of life, moving toward things we’re naturally good at, going with the flow, keeping consistently on our course, riding upon the ebbs and flows. The power of the High Priestess comes from her ability to tune into and draw upon her deepest feelings. As her name implies, the High Priestess connects us to our higher self. She teaches us how to bring our higher spiritual perspectives into our everyday life, how to connect our conscious self with our higher spiritual impulses. Tuning into the High Priestess with her gentle and tranquil influence, we learn how to develop our innate psychic abilities and gain trust in our insights and instincts.

If you draw this card, take time to listen inwardly in quiet contemplation to your deepest voices. Something wants to reveal itself to you.

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