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The Empress


One half of a perfect polarity, the Empress represents our deep connection to the feminine. She is the goddess of Mother Earth, always looking after us, always nurturing and supporting us. Like the rains that bring life to bloom in the world of nature, she showers us in colourful beams of self-empowerment, and we once again feel secure in the certainty of our continued growth. The seeds she nurtures in us mature and blossom into a harvest of unconditional love, reminding us of our innate goodness and power.

Have you ever had the experience of feeling so good about yourself that you radiate a force that literally turns heads when you walk into a room? The Empress will help you turn your head around to the magnificence of who you really are and what you are totally capable of doing. Through the earthiness of her presence, we remember that all we truly ever need in our lives is right here, right now, that we carry within us a bounty of talents and gifts. No more moments of the inner drought of self doubt. We know that we have a lifetime’s supply, never ending, of the goods that are growing inside us.

When you draw the Empress, look inside for the innate knowledge that’s there to be uncovered. It’s always been there, but the Empress shines her light to reveal yourself to yourself. When you trust in the Empress, all you’ve ever dreamed of, your innermost wish for yourself, is coming. Allow yourself the space to express yourself openly. Stay loyal to yourself. Stay determined to manifest your highest vision. Be compassionate to yourself and others. And realize that you’re in this for the long haul. Your seed has been planted. Now nurture that seed, with encouragement and self-respect, so that over time it can come to fruition and blossom. If you can keep watering your inner garden, if you can be as consistent in your efforts as the moon that keeps circling the earth, never stopping, never flagging, you can enrich many areas of your life that you may have been neglecting.

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